Anons delivered again. This time the murderer's Tumblr:
Going by the dates, unless Tumblr dates things weirdly, Hale was active on this until February. The style alone is feminine confirmed she is a FTM that can't pass, but what is sad is that all it took is one right friend, at the right time, in the right place, and she would not have been groomed into troonanity. Who wants to bet this "Sydney" is one of her groomers?
- luithe likes this.
@MK2boogaloo I couldn't possibly scour Discord, nor would I want to. I'm sure there are some dedicated autists doing that at this very moment.
@SuperSnekFriend yeah, I'm sure some are already working on tracing her Discord acc. I'm sure that's where she got groomed and even convinced of shooting the school.
@SuperSnekFriend it seems that this "Sydney" guy is important to her. You only want to make this stuff for people that you think have a lot of good impact on your life.
If you want a better thing to trace, look for her discord account and server where she's particularly active.
@SuperSnekFriend that she was molested
@King_Porgi @SuperSnekFriend "She?"
@SuperSnekFriend i hate being right sometimes
@King_Porgi What did you say? :02sad:
@MeBigbrain @SuperSnekFriend ya it was a f to m tranny
she looked like she would have been a beautiful young woman too if she wasn't perverted by this world