every once in a while ppl get vey mad on the internet about ewhores bragging about how much they earn, liek oh no we are lost if so many ppl are giving these webprostitutes so much money
meh i don't buy it, maybe some very few actually do but c'mon, we pirate everything but decided to pay for photos of naked women we can easily find online? ok yeah sure
it's narcos laundering money
@NitroDubs @BrazilianContrarian They've actually published the numbers, and most e-whores make around a few hundred dollars a month, if that. All for the low low price of sacrificing their dignity, their relationships with family, and their ability to later lock down a quality man . . . forever.
Said otherwise: women remain bad at probability calculations and math
@BrazilianContrarian Even if it isn’t money laundering it’s safe to assume that they are edge cases and that the vast majority aren’t making that kind of money.