another meta that just boooorrringggg gimme some good stuff i want personal drama blown out of proportion not second wave feminism discussions
- nyanide :nyancat_rainbow::nyancat_body::nyancat_face: repeated this.
hey so it has been a difficult decision to make this post but in the end we cannot let abusers stay on this network
its going to make this public
@kim has been abusing it for several weeks now. she has gotten into chicken wings, as a way of coping and quitting cigarettes. all good and well so far. but she has been unable to pay for her new addiction. reia is a musician, so jobless, and it also has a severe case of gear acquisition disorder, making its financial situation even more dire. maila knows this. despite that, she has kept pressuring it into buying chicken wings for her so that she doesnt get her account permanently closed. maila is very dear to it, so it went along with this, although hesitantly. but it kept getting worse. and mailas emotional manipulation got more and more. one day, she stole its card to get wings. and then gaslit it, saying "didnt *you* *just* eat at kfc? dont you remember? we went on a food date! you paid your part, i paid for mine". she has even forced it to go outside to get chicken wings, employing various manipulation tactics, despite being well-aware reia has PTFUS (post-traumatic fedi user syndrome), meaning that touching grass is a highly stressful, even dangerous situation for it. when it ever refuses anything, it gets the silent treatment, sometimes for days. all until the wings are refilled. people need to know this. this abuser needs to be stopped.
@reia hol mir mal n bier