Now that the dust has largely settled on the Brian Thompson assassination, we can try to estimate how much of this was real.
FTR I have no reason to think Brian is still alive (please don't sue me for a trillion dollars).
There are 3 plausible stories:
1. Official story, no notes
2. Unknown shooter, patsy used to hide the fact that getting away with high profile murder is actually easy
3. Psyop from the beginning
#1 Has a lot of problems. The whole McDonalds interception is weird, the backpack with the gun (what about the other backpack with the monopoly money?), doing everything that well and then choosing to carry the gun everywhere instead of throwing it off a bridge.
#2 Seems Like Something They Would Do. In reality, murder is very hard to solve if there's no motive. If your wife is killed, you're a prime suspect (I know you wouldn't kill your wife, but the police don't), so they will immediately try to figure out where you were and what you were doing.
If the CEO of UnitedHealthcare is killed, there is no prime suspect. They can (and will) call the NSA and DoD and use all the military spy satellites and illegal wire tapping they can to try and figure out who did it so they can point the police in the right direction, but if you use burner phones, or no phone, and you bicycle through areas with tree cover and no cameras, even the power of the US Military will have a tough time finding you.
If people knew how easy it is to get away with murder, there would probably be a lot more people doing it. So it's very much in the interest of the state to find SOME guy, even if it's not The Guy, just so that the plebs will think police have magic CSI powers and nobody ever gets away.
#3 Is made plausible by the timing, the incoming administration really wants to do something about cost overruns in the medical field, and what better way to kick things off than to make sure no CEO in the entire industry gets a proper night's sleep for the next 3 months.
If it's a full-on psyop, it's perfectly executed. A medical industry CEO gets greased in broad daylight and the "progressives" (bolsheviks) are out in force cheering for more. This serves as a Big Wakeup Call to everyone in the industry that they'd damn well better come to the table and start talking about how to get those costs down. It also serves as a Big Wakeup Call that the Democratic Party they thought they were supporting actually wants them dead.
Now this is all just circumstantial, but the one Tell that this whole thing was orchestrated was the writing on the bullets. Generally speaking, police NEVER release any details except whatever can be used to identify the killer. Bullets marked "deny", "defend", "depose" have nothing to do with finding the killer, and have a high likelihood of ingratiating the killer in the eyes of the public, which to the police means "encouraging copy-cats".
At this point, I think the most likely scenario is #3, specifically because giving the writing on the bullets to the press is VERY abnormal.
Another thing pointing to the Thompson assassination being professional and Mangione being a patsy is the usage of the number 286.
Mafia groups will go to great lengths to lay symbolic easter eggs because it shows their capabilities.
Imagine you're an NYPD detective and you think it's probably this Luigi guy, but you have some doubts. You start poking around, and all of the sudden you're seeing stuff that was created YEARS in advance, with dozens if not hundreds of people involved.
And the weirdest thing is it's all kind of "left there" for you to find it.
You go "Ok, I'm not the CIA, I'm not gonna blow the lid off some Mossad-grade transnational assassination ring, and I also have a family. So I think I'll just go ahead and close the book on this and call it Luigi."