Because I regularly interact with the Youtube UI on three platforms (Browser, Mobile, Roku) and they're all different sorts of GUI designs but they all share a common thread of not really being that straightfoward. there's a lot of menus and submenus and submenus and and inconsistent design.
and the weird-out-of-context thing where the whole interface has to fit within the box the video player itself is taking up on the page. Like, if you did this as a Windows 95 application, you'd put the interface around a video frame, not put the interface inside the video frame.
so I was just thinking that if you made a windows-95-design-language version of the Youtube interface, it'd be a lot clunkier looking, but the interface would in some ways be more usable.
I'm not just suggesting "RealPlayer", I'm thinking about what if you took the capabilities and functionality of the current YouTube player, and redesigned /that/ in the Windows 95 design style.
@Tomoko_Kuroki my understanding is that you can override caption colors from the default, right? but then some videos might want to do something special with their embedded subtitle colors (like one guy speaks in red, other guy speaks in blue), and this controls if you want to let that video play as-is, or override that and only use your set color.