Look what pops up on my CarPlay brave play list. No idea what or why but it’s hysterical 😂
I'm not a fan of christmas, it's okay. But I still give the people what they want cause I'm awesome :smug_cat:
It's always been one of my least favourite holidays, it's always felt fake/corporate/forced, even when I was a kid but I'd go along with it just enough to get shit lol. I've gotten more anti-xmas the more they've tried to expand it, now it's like a 1/4 of the fucking year in some places. A day is about my limit, a week max, and that's been burnt up before Halloween's even over in recent years.
Swatty said hello btw, to you too @ForbiddenDreamer
Been thinking about taking some time off fedi.
Nothings wrong or anything like that I just have little time until the holidays are over
Yeah it's kind of always a dead month, and worse than that are the festiveposters 🤮, I can text you when we start the end of year contest polls if you want?
Fedi lost its charm since some of the best shitpoasters went mia
It still has its days
Gib him my regards :yotsuba_bow:
It hasn't been funny enough that me and Doll have ended up shitposting until sunrise in a long long time, that's for sure. I like our little circles though, even if it's not burning as brightly as before.
I'll pass it along :shroomper_fi:
Very true. I haven't felt an overwhelming urge to leave, thought of taking breaks and maybe come back to something fun
I was telling someone last night it feels more of an obligation to stay
It'd feel too weird going a day or two without talking to yall 🤷♀️
Swatty's still bored of fedi I think, he wanted the chudbuds after dark experience but a lot of the shitposters never came back (and he's not night shift anymore). He's been at a fairly consistent meh.
I miss him 😤
Where swatty?
How is he?
Play it🤨