>Got the groceries in.
>Spend the next 2 hours bagging things for the freezer.
>I had to cut a squid up into calamari.
Never get the groceries delivered at 5am, that's all I'm saying.
@Kalogerosstilitis2RevengeoftheJunta I do up a salad. put that aside.
Cut bacon into small bits - you want the fat as well.
Put butter in the pan - not olive oil - very important.
Add in a half an onion, garlic, thyme and rosemary.
Fry the bacon - it doesn't take long.
Fry the squid rings - also only takes seconds.
Take the pan off the heat brush the contents to one side so you can get at the fat/oil that's left, add in 2 big heaped tablespoons of mayonnaise, Salt, Pepper and a lemon's worth of lemon juice.
Mix in with the contents of the pan, put this over your salad.
Takes about 15 minutes to make. It is epic.
@thefinn Fried squid (in olive oil) is partician.