Cherokee is an open-source cross-platform web server that runs on Linux, BSD variants, Solaris, OS X, and Windows. It is a lightweight, high-performance web server/reverse proxy licensed under the GNU General Public License. Its goal is to be fast and fully functional yet still light. Major features of Cherokee include a graphical administration interface named cherokee-admin, and a modular light-weight design.
Cherokee is maintained and developed by an open source community.
Web server features
Virtual servers
URL rewriting and redirections supporting regular expressions
Authentication via htdigest, htpasswd, LDAP, MySQL, PAM, plain, and fixed list.
Reverse HTTP proxy
HTTP load balancing
Traffic shaping
Custom and Apache compatible log format.
Ability to launch web applications on demand
Audio/video streaming
On the fly gzip and deflate compressions
Resilient to the 10000...