As fucked up as millennials are - and they are quite fucked up - I don’t think people really understand how bad Gen Z is. Like they’re shaping up to be barely functional excuses for humans at this point.
@DW2 5-10 years ago this was millenials. People feeling like they are stuck getting to the rest of their lives. Article after article saying "We don't need Whites." "How the White race is ending." "How Millenials will be the 1st generation to not afford a home." "Fewer and fewer White people are getting married." "Immigration and gayness is on the rise and how its a good thing."
I know how these people feel. Weak to the world. Lacking sufficient teachers, education, training. They don't know why its hard for them to make a living, stay in shape, fight for a productive position in their career, build a family.
What they didn't see was the half a dozen disasters, collapses, recessions, psyops, technology revolutions, the war on Whites that has lead them to this place currently. Every day fewer and fewer are going to make it. And the next generation will like life, even less. They are good and strong people. But that's all wasted.
Until one stops loving that Hell. That pure evil. That eternal kike. Who hates us all. Who is so greedy he feeds on the misery of Whites. He feeds on the death of our race. He feeds on death.
@DW2 I've seen this first hand. It's hard to find teenagers that can actually count cash, let alone know how to act in public.
Never forget the "Gen Zyklon" memes :hue:
@Goalkeeper really hope no one took that seriously