@charlie_root@kirby@david love ya man.. I have some shit going on I may need your opinion on if I ever get it organized...
How you doing? What's the daily driver for you lately? I'm so broke I'm like spinning up a small proxmox cluster to see if I can recover some images, and kicked in the balls so hard I'm 90% GNU just to keep my key bindings going.. but.. Fuck my X200 OpenBSD laptop in the closet.. When she comes out, she's going to take over the cluster, because.... Have you EVER typed on a X200? A REAL IBM X200 laptop? No Lenovo shit.. I mean... Anyway..
Here's something I was working on last night, it still needs work, I need to sidechain that kick drum and dial down the main synth, adjust it a bit and spice up the note patterns, but this was the result of two hours in Buzz with nothing but a vocal sample.
I've shifted from DJing to producing my own tracks. I still kind of suck but I'm getting better.
So I got on my Windows computer that I have for my kids to play Roblox and started to learn audio, found this old program that I used to use when I was a teenager called Jeskola Buzz (its still around, kind of, its abandonware basically). But this program has had some community updates to allow for modern VST2/3 plugin use, so I kind of went wild with plugins and started to live in Win 10 for awhile and realized I kind of like it. I just used my programs and never really had to worry about the OS at all and it was refreshing.
I tried to move my audio workflow onto Ubuntu Studio because I am interested in learning Reaper, which has a nice Linux port, but ultimately I just was not feeling using wine to run plugins, its not for me, I find it to be not optimal or ideal.
Unfortunately I have purchased $100 worth of Windows plugins over the year and I wasn't about to throw them away, plus I still want to use Buzz, it's just an amazing program and I can get tracks going in a couple hours of fiddling with it.
@charlie_root@kirby@david So so with you, "wtf doesn't shit I can order from Sweetwater wrok with ANY *nix, and ProTools bank to be baller AtoD shit and trying to.. OMG, then fucking Apple and GarageBand like shit we were doing 10 years ago on a laptop, then a phone...
Yea, so, I want My Roland Space Echo back, and I'll replace the tape manualy, thaks...
The PDP11 ran my ICP fine, we didn't need to port it to windows, glad we waited..
It's all about frequency... I'm drafting my "frequency modulator" shit in an OS independant *nix based vi "if I don't lay out the logic now, I'll never do it" way, but I D K. .this is all insanity really, isn't? why do we do any of this shit?
I miss the CRAY cray days... (SGI 4ever SkrYpTkIddY)
@charlie_root@kirby@david OMG, OMG, I am leashed to one of those to for the 9-5, and pulled in a 95$ Lenovo wtf like 100 something CoreDuo shit just to vim.. I feel your pain... My paralegal is like "I hear you cussing over there, just use your laptop" when i have to word vomit on shit... I feel you.. OMG, I think?
Wait, you didn't CHOOSE win11? did you? I mean, no arguments if so, but soooo explanation needed..
@charlie_root@kirby@david alright, you got a mastering issue, you have some issues with attitude, artist (obvi) you and attitude, with management can do somthing, but wtf, good studio, producer, (some fucking BASS up your ass) out of this meth fast shit to do more fun and crative complex shit... and.. BTW, Hi... I'm Coyote, you may know me as "Badlands" the "first linux cheerleader" that wrote the editorials on Freashmeat (linux announcment forum) and SlashDot uer 15xx, 4 digi..., Rob Malda is a bitch.. and author of "MOA, Minute of Angle, the Math" on rec.guns.usenet or whatever.. old man now (yea, no, I am but a child)... so.. yea, (I have glowed so long so hard for decades, Honestly, FBI, CIA, Try saying I'm a spy, fed, blah blah, and when you do, do me a favor... Look up who the first people that hired George W. Washington were.. Seri fags..