@welcomebot Thanks all, hanging out until P gets his life back in order. Seeing if i can throw a few bucks to help him. If he's in trouble I'll do what I can.
Here at clew.lol we have 64 cores of cpu just waiting to get turned on. uwu. And around 8tb of storage, but im too retarded to ever order the proper compatible parts so as usual, we are delayed
I may or may not have bent 5 pins on my new motherboard, and then ordered a non compatible cpu. So, i ordered a second one, and it still won't recognize it. Anyway, idk if the issue is the pins, or the bios needs flashing but I spent too much money and have to wait a hot second to troubleshoot. If the next month goes well im just going to buy a second server and get both of them going.
But, in the mean time, need to bring the server to someone to look at the pins and give me a professional opinion.
I'm lucky because i have the construction business and live on walmart shirts and like one pair of pants so I can absorb some stupid hardware purchases, but right now colocation is completely out of the budget. I live in the city so my comcast people offer pretty good speeds up to a certain point, so I haven't hit that rate limiter yet...
I was able to get a quote for enterprise grade internet plus 13 ipv4s for like $120/month. But again, i live in the middle of a city so their enterprise services are available at my residential address.
that being said, i got quoted 300bm/s for that price. So if anyone uses the server who streams and doesn't just do a static or slightly non static site it's going to be a problem...
Where do you live? Around here they always give you speed bills up front?
Unless you don't specifically ask for enterprise services. The residential stuff they pull shit like that, but if you ask for the businesses services, they are much more direct.
@dcc@Tony@SilverDeth@Zergling_man@welcomebot Sure it can't be disabled without calling them? There are quite a few things the modem IP and a few hours of troubleshooting can solve.