I got invited to eat at my parent's house again and i figured why not
My father quickly starts a fight in front of another visitor with my mom and literally doesn't shut up for hours, and then ruins my mom's cooking by taking it out early and making tasteless slop, and woke me up from a nap to "come eat" his slop
I genuinely don't understand why this man is still alive, how he even got married and had a kid, and even less so how I'm related to him by any measure of blood.
Maybe I should consider online dating
If people like my mom and dad exist and there've always been common tales of shitty parents, then if relationships are also a numbers game, then basically putting yourself out there and being a known retard online has a good chance at netting you a worthwhile wife
Because I'm not sure if I can be as bad as my family anymore even through sheer bullshitery or even intentionally making myself unlikable
What are my actual prospects of getting a good gf?
Everyone likes to joke about being forever alone and no hope, but like, what are the chances I can get laid by putting myself out there?
@ninja8tyu probably slim
Youre asian, youre the bottom of the food chain next to spics and nigs, unless youre korean
@luithe what gives gooks an advantage over chinks?
@ninja8tyu k drama and kpop
Chinks are viewed as the niggers of asians in then us
@ninja8tyu forgotten because of politics and general Chinese immigrant shenanigans, you guys have pretty much the worst rep out of all asians in the us, so the gym is usually needed
Sad reality, but its how it is
@luithe fuck me, what happened to the bruce lee and jackie chan legacies that were left behind...?
@ninja8tyu i would just recommend to go back to china and find a wife there or find a malaysian chinese girl
Either one is better than trying to pull a whore in the us
@luithe well fuck, either i'm a kung fu master or i die a virgin
@luithe @ninja8tyu if you're going to be going back home to find a wife, don't bring her back to the west or she'll just use you for citizenship and marry some balding white guy.
I see white guys talk about how great asian women are but from experience observing female family members behavior, they're extremely hypergamous.
@soravu @ninja8tyu pretty sure ninja is bigger than most middle aged bald guys
@soravu @ninja8tyu look at his profile and his workout journey
@luithe @ninja8tyu height?
@ninja8tyu @luithe ah, I'm similar in height but I did bulk up a bit this year but muscle definition isn't helpful when you're a manlet
Family used to be like that until they gave up and saw me as a failure, no one bothers to mention getting married and having kids to me anymore
I'm fluent enough to get around back home but I can't stand the weather, it's too fucking humid and I like next to an air conditioner, I'll probably also be arrested and unpersoned since I can't keep my mouth shut :laugh:
@soravu @luithe 5'5/169cm
Also my dad is the one who wants me to go back to china to get laid, i don't even speak fluent chinese to risk that, and i would 100% violate hate speech laws before a year passes
@ninja8tyu @luithe @soravu sounds like he was the last resort usually women don't choose the incompetent guy unless it's a last choice thing after they hit 30s after they have had thier fun with Chad and Tyron, no offense or disrespect intended too you personally.
So that's probably why. She hit 30s range, got babies rabies and was hitting the wall and did a last min dash to snag a Plan C guy. Again, no offense to you personally.
Idk if accurate for ur situation but that's usually how the incompetent fathers become fathers, and again idk u personally so I'm just guessing based of the info given.
@ninja8tyu @luithe @soravu sounds like it, she have u at 30???
@Azur_Fenix @luithe @soravu well if i'm 22, and she's late-forties around this time, then probably younger
also my brother was born roughly a year/two before me, and assuming they didn't just fuck immediately, she probably got together way more younger than most people might think
@Azur_Fenix @luithe @soravu she's like, near fifty, and my dad's like, seventy/eighty probably?
i dunno if she married late, but my dad does NOT make any money, blows it on lotto, has severe paranoia and anger issues...
she won't tell me what she saw in him, other than that he asked her out and went "ok" and they fucked and i was born in an accident
@ninja8tyu @soravu @luithe does he make money or did she marry really late?
@soravu @luithe the big question i have is why my mother settled for a loser like my father and never abandoned him even now despite what he is
@soravu @luithe my mom mentioned a cute girl at her workplace that i might be interested in, but i just asked what race she was and a few other standard questions and thought this was probably not worth it
and going to an entirely new country just to continue my bloodline feels like a pain
isn't there a cute girl that isn't a feminist whore in the us?
@ninja8tyu @luithe >isn't there a cute girl that isn't a feminist whore in the us? :pillow_no:
mate you'll be lucky if you find any 1st gen asian female in the west that isn't some raging leftist, have 2 older cousins that are like this, both married up btw
unfortunately you'll need to go to an entirely new country if you want a wife and kid, dating prospects for us in the west is shit, going back home might work but you will need to at least tolerate living there, i think rehab room recommended asian men go to eastern europe or something where we're "rarer" and therefore have "foreign appeal" but good luck learning a new language
tbf dating in general is fucked, females can easily see something better by being online and therefore is never satisfied and would happily abandon their current bf/husband to gain more status and this is something older people don't understand
@luithe @ninja8tyu and from what I hear, the ones back in China are pretty god damn bad.