@teratology @lucy what do you mean with this. Just saying the friendship is over since she ignores me and don't want to be mutuals. Obviously if she has developed this dislike for me to the point of completely ignoring me I find it difficult to follow her and read her messages since it was based on friendship at least from my side. Can't answer for her. But just the amount of time being mutuals I would expect so
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@lucy unfortunately I lost anemone deleting and recreating my account. Doesn't answer any messages. I think I been friends with anemone since I first joined. Well sometimes people have reason for suddenly developing a dislike for someone that is personal to them. But it's a little sad 😔
@BasedLunatic @lucy I don't think she's like that at all tbh
i hate when people make a dozen alt accounts because whenever i unfollow i have to remember all of them