Tl;dr version is that she was abruptly enrolled into an "Alternative Learning Program" without her or her family's consent because she missed too many classes.
The reason for her missing too many classes was because of mental health issues she had.
Yeah, kick someone with mental health issues out of school. That totally won't make their mental health any worse. Fucking retards :chino_angry:
@AstolfoCockVore @Ronnie21093 they're still gonna kill her lol
@Ronnie21093 >c*nada
hey at least they didnt shoot her on the spot for being mentaly ill :shrug:
@Ronnie21093 @AstolfoCockVore no they'll directly kill her. Euthanasia remember?
@Kyonko802 @AstolfoCockVore They're gonna end up indirectly killing her from her suiciding from extremely poor mental health if the school doesn't quit their bullshit :akko_angry:
@Kyonko802 @AstolfoCockVore MAID isn't available for underage people or people who's sole reason for wanting it is because of mental illness.
I won't deny that there is some problems with MAID, but I am extremely doubtful that any doctor, especially a Western Canada one, wants to deal with the double whammy of legal problems that would come from that.
@Ronnie21093 @AstolfoCockVore hoo boy I've got some bad news for you
@Ronnie21093 @Kyonko802 @AstolfoCockVore >MAID isn't available for underage people
Oh boy, haven't you heard of the West supporting underage people trannyfying or (in Canada's case) suiciding because it's "progressive"? :doge_laugh: