The 4's that are green-on-blue are 402 responses going to Facebook. Facebook is hammering the fake shit from boardreader, like half the reqs coming into FSE are Facebook's bot. (I can tell it's from boardreader rather than because if I check the IDs it is looking for, they're all also present on boardreader.) So something from boardreader is spewing the keyword search to some kind of Facebook group, or it's notifying people through Facebook instead of some API. It's too many different URLs for it to be a person: it does three retries (in rapid succession) and then moves to the next one, so it must be automated. If that's how the FBI is getting the data from boardreader, then maybe Zuckerberg wasn't lying when he said that his spyware site is critical infrastructure for national security (where "security" means "looking for shitposts").
This :glowinthedark: shit just keeps getting weirder.
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@p Shall we start a countdown until they find you commited suicide by shooting youself in the back of the head?
@mint @p crucial detail - shooting yourself twice in the back of the head
@meso @kirbyV2 Here are the posts they were looking for in the last three and a half hours (piped through `sort|uniq -c|sort -n`) Pick some random IDs, search for them on
@p @kirbyV2 :cerealspit: are you confident that's what's happening?
@kirbyV2 Something's taking a feed from and then sending that to Facebook. Unless the feds are getting that through a different channel, then maybe they're actually getting the feed of this stuff through Facebook.
@kirbyV2 Which what?
@p really everything facebook bots are actively visiting fse and reporting stuff back? ze fuck
@p What
@mint I don't know enough secrets for that, they don't need to go to the trouble.
I do wonder how they got interested in FSE to begin with.
@p Might be because of that Martha Speaks shooter linking FSE in his manifesto.
@lina @p @mint
Just like the lead singer of Soundgarden's "suicide". He beat himself up, broke a couple of ribs then hung himself in the hotel room.
@p Well, the countdown sure wasn't long. Hoped they'd get alcoholic e-celeb of Ontario before you, but alas.