Ardainian Hebrew Israelite ('s status on Thursday, 23-Mar-2023 09:06:41 JST Ardainian Hebrew Israelite The humiliation is the point, menstruator. -
Piss pot shit in my eye ('s status on Thursday, 23-Mar-2023 09:27:31 JST Piss pot shit in my eye
@polarisera @ArdainianRight I just want to be friends with Ana I don't really know anything about the show besides it's named after a political group involved in the Armenian genocide, the fat ugly guy is an Armenian genocide denier, and he purposefully hired an Armenian woman as some sort of weird power move. That's all I need to know.
But Ana is so beautiful 😍In conversation permalink -
Ardainian Hebrew Israelite ('s status on Thursday, 23-Mar-2023 09:27:31 JST Ardainian Hebrew Israelite
@Piss_Ant @polarisera Cenk Uygur also likes to fuck horses. He makes the "what if the animal consents?" argument. In conversation permalink -
polarisera liked your post ('s status on Thursday, 23-Mar-2023 09:27:35 JST polarisera liked your post
@ArdainianRight This tweet is gonna excite @Piss_Ant who won't give up her Young Turks tankie breadtube obbession. In conversation permalink -
:hacker_o::hacker_k::hacker_u::hacker_u: :sonnenrad: ('s status on Thursday, 23-Mar-2023 09:32:01 JST :hacker_o::hacker_k::hacker_u::hacker_u: :sonnenrad:
@ArdainianRight She doesn't realize that the revolution won't stop at the thing she likes. It will keep on going until it either burns down the whole world or is completely and utterly defeated and thrown into the garbage bin of history. In conversation permalink Ardainian Hebrew Israelite likes this. -
Ardainian Hebrew Israelite ('s status on Thursday, 23-Mar-2023 09:34:36 JST Ardainian Hebrew Israelite
@okuu She claims she has the right to say her peace, which is factually wrong, because if a tranny threatens suicide you don't have free speech. In conversation permalink -
polarisera liked your post ('s status on Thursday, 23-Mar-2023 09:45:00 JST polarisera liked your post
@ArdainianRight @Piss_Ant In conversation permalink Attachments
leftout ('s status on Thursday, 23-Mar-2023 09:45:00 JST leftout
@polarisera @ArdainianRight @Piss_Ant She has more balls than all you guys hiding behind pseudonyms while she's using her real name. In conversation permalink -
Ardainian Hebrew Israelite ('s status on Thursday, 23-Mar-2023 09:45:00 JST Ardainian Hebrew Israelite
@leftout @polarisera @Piss_Ant Using your real name if you don't have "fuck you" money is retarded, not brave. In conversation permalink -
Santa Noodle ☦️ ('s status on Thursday, 23-Mar-2023 09:51:34 JST Santa Noodle ☦️
@leftout @ArdainianRight @polarisera @Piss_Ant >She has more balls than all you guys hiding behind pseudonyms while she's using her real name.
Nice try, FBI.In conversation permalink Attachments
Ardainian Hebrew Israelite ('s status on Thursday, 23-Mar-2023 09:51:34 JST Ardainian Hebrew Israelite
@BowsacNoodle @leftout @polarisera @Piss_Ant "Come on, goy! If you were a real man you'd stop hiding and just send your bank account number to the ADL." In conversation permalink -
:nv:hedinja ('s status on Thursday, 23-Mar-2023 10:05:13 JST :nv:hedinja
@leftout @polarisera @ArdainianRight @Piss_Ant Shut up nigger In conversation permalink Attachments
Ardainian Hebrew Israelite likes this. -
Owl ('s status on Thursday, 23-Mar-2023 14:18:38 JST Owl
We both know you’d be ringing my employer in seconds, your attempt to minimize me being right about this only makes your chickenshit behavior much more transparent.
Cry more you little faggot. You little bitch nigger you.
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leftout ('s status on Thursday, 23-Mar-2023 14:18:39 JST leftout
@Owl @ArdainianRight @polarisera @Piss_Ant Yeah, um, my pointing out Ana has more balls than you isn’t me saying I have more. I’m a pussy ass bitch just like you. But y’a know, I can admit it. In conversation permalink -
Owl ('s status on Thursday, 23-Mar-2023 14:18:39 JST Owl
You hide because you’re a little faggot.
We hide because a system that vets and enables your faggotry can be used against us when we dare put names and faces to our testimony.
We’re not the same, little faggot. You’re a bootlicking faggot, I maximize anonymity to say as much of what I want as I can.
Shut the fuck up right now vaginal pussy.
In conversation permalink -
leftout ('s status on Thursday, 23-Mar-2023 14:18:39 JST leftout
@Owl @ArdainianRight @polarisera @Piss_Ant You think you’re so important. It’s fucking hilarious. In conversation permalink -
Owl ('s status on Thursday, 23-Mar-2023 14:18:40 JST Owl
Oh hey what’s up Linder?
Noticed you’re posting under a pseudonym yourself there, and you most certainly wouldn’t invite anybody to your doorstep or job site to talk your shit. Your cowardice and hypocrisy are noted.
In conversation permalink -
Ardainian Hebrew Israelite ('s status on Thursday, 23-Mar-2023 14:22:34 JST Ardainian Hebrew Israelite
@PorkCow FIf she were smart or honest she wouldn't have hitched her wagon to a horsefucking turkroach. In conversation permalink -
PorkCow ('s status on Thursday, 23-Mar-2023 14:22:35 JST PorkCow
@ArdainianRight This womb should just cut to the chase and say she hates fags. In conversation permalink