チャガタイくん@喜多川海夢推し ('s status on Wednesday, 13-Nov-2024 20:46:18 JST チャガタイくん@喜多川海夢推し Fucking hell Lasengle
King Tut is supposed to look like an inbred freak 😆-
チャガタイくん@喜多川海夢推し ('s status on Wednesday, 13-Nov-2024 20:46:58 JST チャガタイくん@喜多川海夢推し FGO turned Tut into a waifu 🙃 -
Witch Hunter Siegfired ('s status on Friday, 15-Nov-2024 15:23:07 JST Witch Hunter Siegfired @Moto_Chagatai Given he’s got his sandals I most point out irl they had a jew and a nog on them so he’d step on his enemies whenever he walked lol チャガタイくん@喜多川海夢推し likes this.