@JSDorn @DEERBLOOD Time to ''Nietzsche is gay''-Post.
>Be Richard Wagner, Fighter of the German Revolution, Scholar, Musician. Write several Plays with German Republican Leanings, Hellenic Leanings or sometimes Teutonic Romanticism.
>Have pretty Wife (Cosima Wagner) who loves to have Discussions with You and loves challenging you in Debates. It annoys you to an Extent but also gets you going and endears you to her.
>Eventually young Man called Friedrich Nietzsche writes you adoring Letter, you're surprised how well and intelligent he writes for his Age, invite him.
>He comes to your Place. He is an interesting Debate Partner. Decide to talk to him from Time to Time.
>Your Wife likes him too.
>He starts seeing you as a Father Figure, you don't really like it, but whatever.
>He falls in Love with your Wife....she friendzones him immediately.
>He gives you his Philosophical Works...interesting, but not really to your liking.
>You become older, eventually have a Revelation that you need to be more Christian and that your Old Hellenic Paganist Plays and your Republican Plays, were bad.
>Realize even more than before that Jews are bad.
>Guy that sees you as a Father doesn't like it...okay.
>Write Christian Plays
>Friedrich interprets these as somehow being directed at least somewhat at him, stops talking to you. Tries still talking to your Wife.
>Wife tells him to go away (good Wife)
>Meet King of Bavaria, Schizophrenic and highly depressed, but he loves your Music, doesn't even want to talk Politics, just wants you to listen to his Issues while seeing pretty Plays.
>Fuck you pity him a lot, start treating him like a Son, try to get him to not be a complete Retard while ruling Bavaria. Stop him from abdicating and throwing the Country in Chaos.
>Guy that wanted you to be his Dad now is really angry, starts writing Anti-Christian Diatribes.
>King of Bavaria likes Jewish Artists Levi Hermann and Solomon Joseph Solomon, cringe, tell him to stop unless they babtize. He doesn't, You accept his Decission, You're not an Autist.
>Guy who wanted you to be his Dad has decided to like Jews now. Still doesn't call you out personally.
>You die.
>Guy writes fucking Text against you, your Person, and your Philosophy shortly after and has a Mental Breakdown.
>Guy dies of Syphillis.