@icedquinn @david saw an antifascist on twitter explaining why azov swastikas had to be understood in historical context
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@david i dunno but its funny how many of the people who thought they'd be antifascists and punch hitler were all too quick to be compliance gimps and supported throwing people in to covid camps
@icedquinn yea exactly, it's just disconnection from reality. not saying I agree that liking hitler is a good thing, just saying that no one would actually punch someone who did like him lol
@david theres very few actual nazis its mostly just lefties being disconnected from reality
you know, the people who say punch nazis would never actually do it, do you ever think about that? most ppl would avoid violence, because the only thing that violence gets you is jail or being in hospital. also most people are afraid of violence. i know I wouldn't like it. people say a lot of things about people they dislike, but then it would never happen in reality.