What the fuck?
@MK2boogaloo just shoot him
@MK2boogaloo This is somewhat correct. Daemonic possession is just incarnation in physical form which applies to everybody. There are helpful and harmful spirits
@Kagekokoro I can't, he's probably in the US.
@Arkana I don't know much about daemons and demons but if he said the Bible contains errors and it's better to trust something outside from it, especially beings that we're told to never trust, I think there's a good chance this guy is a faggot.
they are not your friends, they are not helpful. Do not do something dumb in thinking they are. You will get turned into a fuck hole due to your own ignorance in the spiritual plane. Stay out. You are not equipped to deal with or walk there. No living human is.
@MK2boogaloo guys like this, are why they had crucifixions.
@MK2boogaloo long distance missiles are a thing
@MK2boogaloo The only thing you can fully learn from is your own experiences. Other things may help facilitate those experiences, but they are not a replacement for them
@Arkana it's a bad thing to just rely on your experience. How many stuff have gone wrong because men think that what they're doing is right according to their experiences. Demons, or Daemons, are things that exist beyond our understanding. How could you trust them in the first place?
@MK2boogaloo You already have a spirit, can you trust yourself?
@Arkana I don't have the slightest confidence to only trust myself in this matter.
@Arkana @MK2boogaloo Humans are not trustworthy, but at least I understand them a lot better.
Fairies are often said to be just like humans. That is overwhelmingly selfish, with the bulk of them very nasty and the remainder merely dangerous. Dealing with humans as an alien that knew nothing about them would be very dangerous.