Private Cloud Compute Security Guide by Apple Apple definitely stands out in this era of privacy and AI, where most cloud computing and AI/LLM companies abuse your personal data to maximize profits. It is not just corporations. There is growing abuse by governments worldwide where they buy citizens' private health and travel tracking data without following proper procedures. I hope other corporations like Google and Meta will now up their game, but I don't have hope.
FYI, I'm sharing the link to the Apple guide. I have yet to read the whole document. The first page gives a good impression, but anyone who has worked in the security and privacy sector knows the rabbit hole always goes deep. The attack vector is large. So, take my post with a grain of salt and research the privacy, safety, and security of your data or your loved ones.
@nixCraft Yea, sure apple wont use you data, who really believe that? We all know how they "respect" privacy. Devil is in the details or obscure words 😆
@mikeTesteLinux That is true; they did fight back against the FBI when it came to encryption. However, in certain countries, they give in to government pressure. That is why I said, the rabbit hole goes deep ;) Ha!