If any federal faggots want to buy my account to bait gullible retards into doing some silly terroristic thing I’m accepting bids at an entry point of 3.2 million in monero, so you’d best get crackin’ if you wanna have a shot at this wonderful account!
Do I hear 3.2? 3….point….2? No takers just yet? Come on, just think! Your boss is waiting, registrations are closed on all the instances you’re supposed to agitate from…. All you gotta to is funge a little bit of that stolen bitcoin sitting in your department’s wallet and you can do all the fedposting you want as Woggy himself?
Okay, if you’re gonna be cheap then the price is $3.5 million USD in monero. Ha, tick tock, nignogs. Maybe the Army will buy it, could be a good recruiter?