I'm still salty that forums rejected my application to join their community when I literally produce music using an old school tracker DAW that's abandonware at this point. You think someone like me would be a perfect fit on that forum, BUT NOOO, I'm not allowed into the cool kids club smdh....
Not even, I don't even think they know what the fedi is, I literally just applied and they were like naw. I think its an invite only thing idk... they don't have https so I don't know why it bothers. Would just be cool to find like minded people.
Maybe I should try to apply again?
Are the mods goobers who found your non-music opinions too spicy for the forums? :akkoThink:
@charlie_root @SuperSnekFriend Sure
@dcc @SuperSnekFriend
Oh shit guys, maybe this is why I got rejected, I'm sweating trying to answer these lol
@dcc @SuperSnekFriend
If I get rejected again I'm gonna be pissed!
@charlie_root @dcc
Considering the forum's main interest, I would not be surprised if the mods are just prideful Boomers that would rather let the whole hobby die than transfer it to new guys.
@SuperSnekFriend @charlie_root Gate keeping is a real thing to though.
@charlie_root @dcc
Definitions on tech development are always iffy. Internal completion of development is not the same as the formal release of product to the public. If the mods are so ennui about the minutiae of tech history, then the forum is not worth your time. You will probably annoy the mods anyways even if you did get registered successfully. :tanya_sigh:
@SuperSnekFriend @dcc
I think you're right, bunch of snoody bastards that huff their own farts probably.
@charlie_root @dcc
1. "Robert Moog, the president of Moog Music, announced MIDI in the October 1982 issue of Keyboard."
2. "The Roland (ROLAND!) Juno-106 is a synthesizer released by Roland Corporation in February 1984."
3. Digital Audio Workshop
4. "Apple Macintosh is a line of computers introduced by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak of Apple Inc. on January 24, 1984."
@SuperSnekFriend @dcc
Goshdarnit wikipedia said the MIDI standard was formalized in 1983, guess I just failed lol
@SuperSnekFriend @dcc
You're right though, it might just be a clique of pretentious losers that are pirating and shit who knows, best to just do my own thing and seek out cool people in the space. I'm already frens with 3 UK producers and they send me free music and feedback it's awesome! But I have to use normie social media to get that, it sucks.
@dcc @charlie_root
It is, but you are supposed to gate keep against bad actors, not new people who are still learning about the hobby and who show willingness to learn. That is why a forum exists in the first place so many people can easily communicate information and have that info stored in a readily available location.