@Aly @InvictusManeo @TrevorGoodchild Is it true that Trevor was doxxed back in 2018 on Twitter and shown to have a jewish father? Because now it's not just RC saying this others are saying that's why he left Twitter and joined Gab.
@John453 @Aly @InvictusManeo @TrevorGoodchild The only "RC" you should pay any mind to is a refreshing, ice-cold glass of RC Cola.
@Aly @TrevorGoodchild Quite likely.
The unlikable pajeeta pulling over 80M votes might raise more than some eyebrow.... but somehow I expect the usual boomerniggers to cuck as hard as they do, regularly, unless the odds are written in stone or shit goes really into unpredictable territory (=draft).
@InvictusManeo @TrevorGoodchild Wat if the electorates from states who had Trump as the winner decide to flip their votes for Kamala and Kamala, as vice president, makes herself president...and then Trump promised not to challenge the results. 😲
Wat if Biden drops dead before inauguration day😯
Wat if Trump is assasinated🫣
Wat if I meet Thomas Rousseau at a rally and he falls in love with me immediately and we get married and I am exactly wat he needs to take it to the next level and he becomes King and I am Queen and Trevor is The Hand to the Queen and we're best friends and we all save the world and I have ten babbies but never get fat because I do yoga 🤯
@TrevorGoodchild Between selection day and inauguration day should be wild, I hope