@supersid333 i thought it worked like morphing jar or cyber jar where it caused both players to draw 6 cards as stated But nope, it fucking destroys all your cards on the board to the removed from play pile :what:
@luithe Thats what it says it does though... I'm not sure if you're playing tag force or something and throwing down the anime version thats different, but the actual version is working as intended.
@supersid333 yes, i like it more than the other gba games cause it has style Only problem is half of the card list is not present, so most npc decks is usually surrounded by 500 layers of bs, until you get pressure card to burn through their monsters and spells/traps or shit like needle worm to burn cards
@supersid333 its more of a vn than rouge like Then again, im a zoomie, so i have no idea what a rouge like is since trannies ruined the word into a buzzword :awoo_shrug:
@supersid333 not too experienced with them besides element decks But its still fun playing this game, i like blair, shes cute but her deck sucks and i beat it 3 times in a row with a gimped levathan deck :sui_laugh: