I think I'm gonna restart my songs of syx tutorial run
My city planning is so shit, it's actually bad and somehow gets me saying "how the duck did I get to 230 people?"
@supersid333 problem is logistics and food production
Fisheries are starting to dip, bread is eating a lot of grain and far away from grain farms, warehouses far away, farms far away, no room for pastures
It's real bad city planning
@luithe People need to work, even if they have a hotwheels track of highway to drive to it
@supersid333 first city was a really fucking bad because I was testing out the game
The second one which is this one lasted to 248 people, so maybe next time will be better than this one
@luithe Makes sense. Hopefully your next town works out the kinks
@supersid333 oh yeah, I forgot, the tutorial grounds has stupidly low fertility around the throne, so its a lot harder to farm there and the only areas with fertility being the forest in the south (where forestries were due to being the only closest forests and and lakes for fishing or the river in the north which is very far as well)