The racial incoherance in america is way out of hand. I cant communicate with half the people in my warehouse. Its not like its even just one large ethnic block. I dont just have beaners I cant communicate with. I also have congo niggers i cant communicate with.
Ive been learning french but as far as I can tell, they dont understand french-french. Either theyre retarded (possible) or they speak some weird congo - or worse - belgian dialect
@RupertvonRipp I get bitched at by upper management at company that contracts us, and Im like what do you expect me to do. Youve given me 70iq "french" speaking congo niggers. And 'm suppossed to be able to communicate your standards and expectations to these people? How?
@DEERBLOOD They do that on purpose that organization is impossible. You can't agitate for collective interests when you have not even a tongue in common.