The time for the "libertarian to racist authoritarian pipeline" is closed and has been since like 2017. Too many of you have shown up too recently and have demonstrated an inability to leave your liberal priors at the door.
- Weaf :jv::nv: likes this.
@doctorsex More like libertarian to temporarily embarrassed racist libtard pipeline amirite
@DEERBLOOD @doctorsex that was definitely part of it for me, i remember thinking 'wait, i thought this was about getting the government out of the way so we can advance our civilization without them fucking everything up and stealing from everybody, not getting it out of the way so we can do drugs and fuck kids'
@EssentialUtinsil @doctorsex Exactly. For me it was "government shouldn't hold us back"
For many others it's the "married gay pedophile couples should get to defend their weed crops with fire arms" meme
@DEERBLOOD @doctorsex @EssentialUtinsil
Hoppeanism is more micronationalism than lolbertism. Wanting leaders who don't actively hate you, and you can easily kill or leave them if they do, is entirely different from centralist libertinism which forces everyone else to put up with your degenerate bullshit. Personal responsibility means social conservatism.
@doctorsex All the salvageable libertarians have become nazis. Those thay are left have that belief system cause dude weed bro and what really is the age of consent good for
@ArdainianRight @DEERBLOOD @doctorsex i'm still very much of the belief that nobody is ever going to make the US federal government into anything resembling fascism or nationalism, much less a specifically racial version. the country needs to balkanize before anything like that is possible, but there will be areas that go that way after the federal government collapses. it will still have to be fought for, but at least there will be the possibility.