@Moto_Chagatai :thinkinghrr: maybe it's because that's what the insurance can cover up to?
@rainignterror1080p @Moto_Chagatai To be more accurate, if the amount is under $950, it's considered as a lesser crime that often isn't worth dealing with by the prosecutors office and the police, rather than a serious felony.
@Moto_Chagatai yea it's legal to steal under that amount
@Moto_Chagatai In California, stealing items under a total value of $950 is only a criminal misdemeanor charge. From what I've seen they're signing some bills to "help" the issue, but it's ineffectual and dumb things like letting the police tally totals from multiple stores and letting stores file restraining orders against shoplifters.
If you ever go to the states, don't go to California. It deserves to get wiped off the map.
@Moto_Chagatai Lemme guess, California?