@Moto_Chagatai Romance anime: *Exists*
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@lina @Moto_Chagatai @supersid333 I can imagine why these shows would cause extreme distress to a black nigga, they can't get a cute gf in real life (only black women) nor can they imagine one in their heads (they can't do hypotheticals)
@supersid333 @Moto_Chagatai note how they all talk in ebonics
@Dicer @Moto_Chagatai I'm getting there. Not even that old but I feel like innocence dies so young these days.
@supersid333 @Moto_Chagatai I am this woman at this point in my life, I know I will never leave out any innocent romance anymore so I enjoy seeing others live through it. I even say ''youth'' like those stereotypical old people in anime who say it to mean the things young people experience for the first time.