@SpurgAnon @hazlin boy is he gonna be embarrassed when he gets to the part of the Bible that says the only way to the Father is through the Son
Saw a video today of the Pope, talking to a panel of people in Singapore. Young people of all different religions.
Said that, all religions lead to God. That the different religions are just like different languages.
The translator beside him, was kind enough to speak everything in clear English.
So far as I am aware, the only high Catholic leadership to this man, that was in opposition was excommunicated.
It is like the days of Pope Damasus I all over again. The other religions aren't all neatly collected together. It will be harder than it was for Biship Damasus to claim the Title and Position of Pontifex Maximus.
But, it is clear that the RCC is fully committed in its leadership, to becoming the One World Religion.
The outreach to the protestants has been going on for quite a few years. You see the corrupted protestants reconciling, and probably they will return in an official capacity.
And, now you see the outreach to the other popular religions. Given ground on the very definition of who God is.
The Abrahamic Family House is already operational in the UAE. We will probably see other temples built in the name of intersecting religions.
The end is near. Granulated control over buying and selling is here. Control connected to what you say, and how you act is here. The one world religion, and perhaps the false prophet himself are here, forming before our very eyes.
Most of the really bad stuff, legislative or initiatives are scheduled for 2030 on paper. But, Jesus will be returning to steal away those who are waiting upon Him.