I don't know why but almost every single person I've met in my life talks about how they hate life and how they wouldn't mind dying. And I'm always a person who loves life? I don't know how to describe it it's not that life is pleasant that is enjoyable or the small little moments of bliss there's something about the concept of existence itself that is beautiful that I love the most that's probably why I hate non-existence the most.
It's just a me thing but I'm starting to believe that the vast majority of people my age believe this and it's really sad to me.
People talk about how they don't care what happens to them after they're dead or anything about life afterwards and I just can't disagree anymore. This is really weird I'm not religious in any context but it matters to me the most what happens on Earth. Even if the people I know aren't here everyone who ever has and will be is here and that's what matters in the end.