leftout ('s status on Sunday, 12-Mar-2023 04:21:59 JST leftout
@dave So Texas believes in personal freedom? -
Christi Junior ('s status on Sunday, 12-Mar-2023 04:21:57 JST Christi Junior
@leftout @dave Explain why I hate trannies? I'm glad you asked...
Here's why we hate trannies: Because "Trans Rights" have made the world a dumber, uglier and less free place.
Dumber: We're supposed to pretend that self-perception decisively trumps objective reality, that concepts like "male" and "female" are nothing but social constructs, and that you can't safely assume that a bearded lumberjack should be referred to by male pronouns. Everything about trans rights and inclusivity boils down to making even everyday social interactions become more cumbersome and nonsensical, society is supposed to completely redefine the most basic rules and customs in order to accommodate a tiny minority of mentally ill freaks, which is itself absolutely retarded.
Uglier: Trannies themselves are of course usually very ugly, ranging from cartoonishly hideous to uncanny valley-levels of just feeling plain wrong. Attempts at giving trannies "representation" inherently results in more ugly people being promoted and paraded around in public as people we should be proud of. Not only that, in order to make it easier for trannies to "pass", ugliness in normal people also becomes something to normalize and even promote. The MSM and the entertainment industry is increasingly promoting fat, ugly women, and at the very least attacking masculine men, which isn't solely about mainstreaming tranny insanity, but certainly lines up neatly with it.
Less Free: This one should be obvious. Tyrannical "hate speech" laws criminalizing wrongthink on the tranny issue/recognizing basic biological reality. Increasingly absurd speech codes pushing faggy "inclusive" language and banning words and terms that are deemed "problematic", and not just slurs either (not that I think people wanting to ban slurs deserve anything less than public castration anyway). And of course, social media lynch mobs constantly trying to ruin the lives of anyone who refuses to suck that feminine penis. To spare the feelings of a few subhuman freaks, EVERYONE is now supposed to constantly walk on eggshells.Woggy's Zeonic Frolicks likes this.Ardainian Hebrew Israelite repeated this. -
leftout ('s status on Sunday, 12-Mar-2023 04:21:58 JST leftout
@ChristiJunior @dave Is it the case that sometimes you’ve been fooled and your discomfort with that is why you wish to assert the surgeries are unconvincing? -
Christi Junior ('s status on Sunday, 12-Mar-2023 04:21:58 JST Christi Junior
@leftout @dave What kind of retarded, leftoid logic is that? Are you one of those subhumans who still push the "anyone who dislikes faggotry is a closeted faggot" talking point? -
leftout ('s status on Sunday, 12-Mar-2023 04:21:58 JST leftout
@ChristiJunior @dave Not everyone. Just wondering about you and your personal discomfort. I’m hoping you can explain. -
🎅 🎄 Festive Dave 🎄 🎅 ('s status on Sunday, 12-Mar-2023 04:21:59 JST 🎅 🎄 Festive Dave 🎄 🎅
@leftout In this case I suggest reading the actual text of the bill, you might find it informative.
It doesn’t ban these surgeries, it just bans paying for them with most insurance plans (i.e. other people’s money), and it makes the ones who give the treatments liable for the fallout when they turn out to have been a mistake (this 2nd part is based on undercover footage which shows that providers know that some of these patients are going to regret transitioning).
Christi Junior ('s status on Sunday, 12-Mar-2023 04:21:59 JST Christi Junior
@dave @leftout Banning "sex change" surgeries would be perfectly acceptable too btw, or at least forcing them to not Lie anymore. You're not changing sex or "transitioning" into another "gender", you're undergoing genital mutilation and unconvincing cosmetic surgery. -'s status on Sunday, 12-Mar-2023 05:11:27 JST xianc78
@MeBigbrain @ChristiJunior @dave @leftout That's just some copypasta.
Christmas Coon ('s status on Sunday, 12-Mar-2023 05:11:28 JST Christmas Coon
@ChristiJunior @leftout @dave >"Why do you hate trannies, Christi?"
>Christi:Ardainian Hebrew Israelite likes this. -
:Christmas_kitty_bell: LovecraftEnthusiast :shyduck: ('s status on Sunday, 12-Mar-2023 08:46:05 JST :Christmas_kitty_bell: LovecraftEnthusiast :shyduck:
>tee hee Ive fooled all these guys Ardainian Hebrew Israelite likes this. -
Ardainian Hebrew Israelite ('s status on Sunday, 12-Mar-2023 08:51:53 JST Ardainian Hebrew Israelite
@MeBigbrain @ChristiJunior @dave @leftout Tranny "inclusion" necessitates totalitarian thought control to force everyone to believe 2+2=5. They're all creepy crossdressers, everyone with a shred of experience with them knows that's what they are, and if people are allowed to say what they actually think it all comes tumbling down. There's a reason they had to ban the words "retard" and "faggot" before they would even dare pushing troonshit. -
Senator Armstrong ('s status on Sunday, 12-Mar-2023 09:07:12 JST Senator Armstrong
@ArdainianRight @MeBigbrain @ChristiJunior @dave @leftout zionists are drug dealers and trannies are addicts. It's really that simple. Opposing trannies under zog is like fighting cartels in Mexico. Ardainian Hebrew Israelite likes this.