Even as someone who is well aware of how messed up Israel is it's still crazy that they're having a national debate on the merits of ass raping POWs while the world watches. It's like those semen battalions they had, they aren't used to scrutiny and criticism.
"If we don't get to assrape Palestinian prisoners you must want a second Holocaust" is somehow not a strawman of how these types argue.
@1137 @Shadowman311
Reminder that Rabbi Shmuley is supposed to be "right-wing," yet he says homosexuality is okay in spite of being prohibited by the Torah on the grounds that there are a lot of rules in the Torah, and you'll be fine if you only follow most of them.
@Shadowman311 It would seem that the errm, "dominant" male in this situation would have to have some sort of attraction to the act in order to perform it. So logically, this means they have fags at the ready. Is that not about as sick a society as can be?
@ArdainianRight @Shadowman311 Most of them, including Shmuley, do not follow the Torah, they follow the Talmud. The Talmud encourages the most vile behaviors and beliefs imaginable. He is also a follower of Schneerson, in other words he is part of Chabad Lubovitch, who take already disgusting Talmudic principles to the extreme.
@1137 @Shadowman311
It's a real tragedy. God sent them His only son, but they'd rather either be communist atheists or legalistic cultists.