Gonna be having my very first job interview in 5 hours.
Anything I should know before then?
@Meemoo If you cannot answer a question because you don't know, reply that you admit you don't know and will find out.
I use the line "how soon can I start?" At the end of the interview.
Dress nice for the position.
I wish you luck and keep us posted
Best of luck. Besides basic qualifications 90 percent of it is how you make the interviewer feel 99 percent if they are female
@Jonaschuzzlewit @Chzikken_1486 thank you frens. :tamamo_love:
I've been job hunting for months now so I'm a bit nervous over if I can pull it off.
@Meemoo @Jonaschuzzlewit You'll be fine. Interviews are really about a good fit for each other. The questions are a formality
@Chzikken_1486 @Jonaschuzzlewit yeah I'm mostly worried about giving a bad impression (I'm legally blind + have a hearing impairment)
@Meemoo @Jonaschuzzlewit You will do great. Don't be hard on yourself. I have faith in you.
Interview went well :akko_yay:
Hiree was a woman but I think I made a good impression on her.
She assigned me a direct meeting with the place I will be working at tomorrow morning
@Meemoo Congrats Meemoo :akko_yay: