"I felt suicidal and alone so I fapped"
Maybe this is the difference that makes me not understand. They're kicking for a dopamine rush when their life is a mess.
I've got a good job, good friends, good health, and despite the daily blackpilling I have a relatively positive outlook on life itself. Meanwhile these people are depressed wrecks, so maybe they SHOULD stay away from internet tits, if not for anything else than to try and focus on making their life a bit better.
It's no different than someone wasting away their life on nothing but video games, or being a hikkikomori.
Moderation in everything.
@harbeau I mean if you're not at least treating your own body right should you really be doing anything aside from getting started on doing that first? I'd say that in itself is a rule.
@Kyonko802 it's crazy how the rules don't matter if you have a good thing going
@Kyonko802 yeah that's what I mean, if you care for yourself and have a good social life, hobbies and goals then just about all of this self improvement stuff is irrelevant
@Kyonko802 i mean good job is very very hard to come by now as a young lad
But i think he should visit mom and dad if he really thinks he has no family
@luithe Yeah I'm not telling anyone to pull up their boot straps and law enforcement is a tenuous career, especially in cities, but reddit sure as shit isn't gonna help him either.
@Kyonko802 been contemplating if i should buy a kayak to take out when im very bored and take it out to the lagoons in florida
So far im putting it off until i land a better part time