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@harblinger so that's what is happening
So like, massive San Francisco/California collapse?
@coolboymew @harblinger A bunch of companies won't have operating cash available short term and will have to get loans, bigger ones will get them while smaller ones go bankrupt because they were already a house of cards. Eventually they'll probably get most/all their money back since the bank has plenty of assets to liquidate, but it may take years to finish.
@coolboymew @harblinger This is beyond that
Either way Polygon is owned by Vox so they might be on the way out
@coolboymew not going to speculate on what all is effected, but Jim Cramer did say that "JP Morgan is a fortress" so maybe there will be some more financial sector bloodshed in store
just have to watch it shake out as the Fed keeps raising rates, this is part of what "tight money" means. I'm afraid the USG will end up blowing itself up because of all it's debt (o no, they have WW3 to fix that :puke: )