History of programming languages according to Conrad Barski (author) and 川合 史朗 (translator)'s Land of Lisp.
機械語=machine language
アセンブリ語=ASSembly language
ARCアセンブリ=ARC ASSembly
機器特有の言語=Machine specific language
機器非依存の言語=Machine independent language
ラムダ算法=Lamda Algorithm
初期のLISP=First generation LISP
初期のLISPプログラマ=First generation LISP Programmer
LISPの技術を磨くLISPERたち=LISPERS who improve the techniques of LISP
クロマニヨン人=Cro-Magnon Man
AIの冬=Winter of AI
ポインタ演算=Pointer operation
- bullwhip likes this.
Sorry, forgot to finish:
ガベージコレクト=Garbage collect
分かったね。これでリストの最初に石を追加できる。これを「コンスする」と言う。=Got it? With this you can add this rock to the beginning of the list. We call it "to construct".
おらはFORTRANがいいだ…=We're fine with FORTRAN...
おいらの石を早く返してくれよ。=Give us back that stone quickly.
Where did you find this masterpiece?
Please re-read the initial post, I literally mentioned that!
Let me expand, where specifically did you find the images?
Here's a hint:
> History of programming languages according to Conrad Barski (author) and 川合 史朗 (translator)'s **LAND OF LISP**.
Pretty nice. I like when programming books are illustrated and fun to read. Like Starting Forth, that's a fun programming book.
I haven't actually read the whole book because I'm not a programmer and I hate computers, and I have unironically considered "could I use FreeDOS as my OS?" today because I'm that sick of everything, but I remember it looking pretty good. And practical, about writing actual programs, that I don't do, because fuck that, that's not going to solve any of my problems, my system will still be a piece of shit regardless, and I don't even like it, because it's in a computer and fuck computers, they're garbage.
- Practical Common Lisp has practical things too, as it should.
Land of Lisp is a classic Common Lisp book. I think it's actually where the alien mascot came from, possibly. Pretty sure it's from there, I seem to remember it and it's also implied.
page 5-7,%20One%20Game%20at%20a%20Time%20[Barski%202010-11-15].pdf
I see, so as expected, 川合 changed some things around to have it make more sense in Japanese (and in my opinion, it does).