my mom asked me if I "wore jeans" because she claims she has never seen me wear jeans and i am now experiencing true ego death
@bless Much to consider.
have /i/ ever worn jeans?
have i ever worn /jeans/?
have i ever /worn/ jeans?
does the conceptual breakdown occur with the notion of jeans, the notion of me, or somehow more troubling than the fragmentation of my self, the fragmentation of the notion of /wearing/? have i ever /worn/ ANYTHING?
if someone who has witnessed my entire life can be unsure if i have ever worn jeans then i do not know what remaining truths an observer could find the confidence to assert about me. /have i never worn jeans?/
@bless If it were my mom breaching the question, I feel like the emphasis would be on the /jeans/ here, like "no true jeans" or such (which is true to an extent, I pretty much exclusively wore sweats until I found skinny jeans that actually fit me)
i've calmed down enough to rest on the idea that to my mom, jeans are blue, at least ostensibly dyed with indigo though perhaps STONE WASHED or ACID WASHED but this leaves a lot of my wardrobe that i considered to be /jeans/ as nothing more sophisticated than mere /pants/, certainly they are not /trousers/ or /chinos/, and since these are pants intended for WOMEN or FAGGOTS the notion that these are somehow "workwear" is absolutely laughable
@netdoll I've worn skinny jeans for most of my life and this is the conclusion I find easiest to swallow here
@pernia @Foxyanarchism @bless @salty God bless honestly
@bless @Foxyanarchism @salty saw a bitch like this today, blew my mind how fat her ass was
@Foxyanarchism @salty
@bless @salty Blue jeans are the superior jean colour.
@salty should I wear a pair of /blue jeans/? i would if the waist was tight but hips were flared then tight at the ankles again like I'm in a CLAMP manga
@bless no only blue nvm
@salty are you counting like black skinny jeans
@bless i have never once seen you in jeans