@DemonSixOne Oh, we are so far beyond intelligent Whites wanting anything to do with the military that it was already almost impossible to get technically adept men when I was prime recruiting age.
That was... a while ago.
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- Kenny Blankenship repeated this.
@judgedread You and I are aware of this but I feel like there is way too many people in the "regan was the greatest president" generation that has no idea that someone born in 2004 has plenty of reasons to not give a fuck about USA.
- Born well after the 9/11 energy had worn off.
- 4-6 years old and displaced out of your neighborhood from the banking bailout effects.
- Entire middleschool life is under the malaise of zero tolerance and anti-white policies.
- Lost all friends and social contact from school closures during the coof.
These people are 19/20 years old now and have integrated the "doesn't really care about anything anymore" in a way that "tune in and drop out" generation wish they could imagine.
@DemonSixOne Also the poisoning of relations between men and women is now terminal to the point where you have rapid fertility collapse and huge numbers of men remaining virgins into their 30s, and this gets worse by the year.
How do you get 5-6 level women to realize Chad is never going to marry her? You make a movie about a young woman that is hurt by Chad, settles for someone less hot and they live happily ever after.
I can see why you want the media.