Do they REALLY think people will believe a 2-3 man team can blow up oil pipeline at the bottom of the ocean from a small rental yacht? Do they think we're stupid?
@apropos The question is who is this for. Internal consumption for America and Westoid Europe? No one serious in the rest of the world is buying this
>Do they think we're stupid?
nah, this has got to be expressly directed to the people who *want* to be stupid, who suffer from motivated rather than biological stupidity. Those aren't who aren't satisfied with "Seymour Hersh said some stuff I also didn't like before, this report probably isn't credible because I only have SOURCE? SOURCE? as a standard and not the information itself."
@MechaSilvio @apropos For the niggercattle normies and the PMC urban striver cunts would be my guess. They slop up regime messaging like pigs at a trough