@Yakotarun Koharu is also farmable
@Kyonko802 @Yakotarun I doubt he can clear a difficulty tier that awards purple medals anytime soon. And even if he could, it would take 8 month. :ehhhh:
@Tamamo @Yakotarun it won't take him that long to reach hardcore I don't think. It took me less time total minus the time I was boycotting
@Kyonko802 @Yakotarun It took me a while. Mostly becaues i had no clue wtf i was doing.
Plus we only had the worms and the clown duo to deal with in the beginning.
He has to build around much more bosses.
@Tamamo @Kyonko802 @Yakotarun you can beat extreme pretty early on as long as you have the right borrows and the supports to enable it.
the next raid though is chesed so yeah he's probably not going to beat extreme on this one even with the right borrows.
@Spooke @Kyonko802 @Yakotarun Yeah can't really cheese chested with a Mika borrow unless his units can clear the reach the boss without a rental.
@Tamamo @Kyonko802 @Yakotarun well in reality he actually needs to pull for nyfuuka and himari. If he has those 2 he can probably face roll any extreme raid by just borrowing the correct dps. I would say Ako but he'd never build her off principle of being a cowhag in his eyes.
@Spooke @Kyonko802 @Yakotarun Partydress Aru is almost a yellow Ako. :shrug:
But he wants the Gamedev team so he'll want to hold on to his pyro's until the bunny Toki event rerun so he can at least get both twins.
@Tamamo @Spooke @Yakotarun I can definitely see myself using Dress Aru and Dress Ako in future initial teams once I start dipping into Insane
@rainignterror1080p @Kyonko802 @Tamamo @Yakotarun Ako and D.aru are not the same. Ako buffs both Crit damage and Crit rate. D.aru only buffs Crit damage.
The only unit that gets full benefit from D.Aru is Mika. D.Aru is a win harder button for Mika.
In all honestly it's better to skip D.Aru and pull for NyFuuka. She's basically if ako and ui had a baby it's Role compression.
NyFuuka 2 cost and reduces cost of the buffed unit by 50%. so Mika 6 cost ex becomes 3 cost for a total of 5 cost and you get a +1 while also helping you cycle skill cards faster.
@Spooke @Tamamo @Kyonko802 @Yakotarun or just roll for aru who's literally ako
@Spooke @rainignterror1080p @Kyonko802 @Yakotarun >The only unit that gets full benefit from D.Aru is Mika.
Saori is not that forgettable :lain_sad: