If you cannot simply say, "This is evil," and, "Russia is not the 'good guy'. There are no good guys in this war," then, you have failed basic theology and basic ethics and should turn in your "White Nationalist" and/or "Christian" card.
@SuperSnekFriend I'm not here to proclaim one side is good or bad (when a monster gets caught by a devil and all that). I'm simply here to post an inflammatory poll on whether a brown pedophile likely getting blown to smithereens in a pointless forever war outweighs how he managed to get to that warzone.
@Tadano @SuperSnekFriend more blood! We need more blood drained in the war between Russia and Ukraine, their sacrifice shall be the fertilizer for the coming age, an age of strife where politic shall return to the condition before the Cold War and the Neo Liberal era.
@MK2boogaloo @SuperSnekFriend Holden-Bloodfeastmaxxing in this thread today :irysevil: