Decided to have this video on in the background while I browse the internet but honestly this is kind of insane I didn't hear about much of any of these stories :asui_what:
I'm not even halfway done with this video and suse calling anyone who doesn't bow down to the rainbow flag "rotten flesh" that needs to be cut out is wild. Just when things can't seem to get sillier this Shaman shit pops up on my screen :shinobu_kaka:
The linux world really did implode huh.
- :awoo_tired: shotgun snuggler :clownpiece_smug: likes this.
@TopBep It feels like this crazy woke shit is accelerating in every sector in the past few years.
The silver lining is that at some point it has to collapse in on itself. Nothing can sustain itself when the people that do the actual work leave and all that's left are the useless fuckwit activists.
@Tamamo @TopBep Love the smug facial expression in the second picture. It really reminds me of smugjak.