lmao get the fuck out of here with this bullshit
we're supposed to believe that millennials have tripled their wealth in four years due to real estate, when a new home costs 500K and 30 year mortgages are 7 percent.
Oh yeah, and stocks too. The top ten percent of income earners own more than 90 percent of stocks, but your average millennial is getting rich trading on Robinhood. Lmao who came up with this crock of shit
I'm guessing either shenanigans with nominal vs real dollar values or "Well an iPhone would have been worth millions in 1980, you kids have it good!"
No no, I need to know what mental gymnastics they've done to come to this conclusion
@partyanimal @BigTLarrity Supposedly it has to do with real estate and stocks, I shit you not
It's some statistical fuckery before the elections. Completely ignore inflation or some shit. Or "hedonics": your grandpaw didn't have a sailfoam so you're now richer than he was with his house.
@partyanimal @BigTLarrity
@BroDrillard @BigTLarrity With four years every millennial went from living in a shit apartment with three roommates to owning a 3000 sq foot home and making bank in the stock market. Trust us goy!
People under 30 think home ownership is some made up fairytale like bigfoot or the holocaust
What's the fucking metric, non adjusted wage?
@DW2 We need TOTAL JOURNALIST DEATH, today, tomorrow, forever.
@BroDrillard @BigTLarrity are they dying so fast that millennial wealth tripled in just four years? Not unless there’s a new Black Death going around
The only thing I can imagine is that boomers are dying and millennials are inheriting.
@DW2 @BroDrillard @BigTLarrity A lot of this sh!t doesn't work any more since egalitarian measurements are dead in the empire. Yeah my boss's kids might be better off than *their* parents at the same age, maybe even Way better off, but anyone remotely downscale is still living like when their parents were 16 with a crap used car parked in front of a beat-up hovel stocked with foreigners.