@weaf if you know a guy who constantly recklessly does drugs in raves where he fucks drugged-up strangers with a body count of hundreds/year … then you kinda expect him to die young. You don’t have to WANT for him to die young. Maybe he’s really cool apart from his lifestyle and you’re good friends with him. But the longer he lives, the healthier his daily life, the fewer his STDs, the more a sense of unease will fall on you: is this really an orderly universe, ruled by cause an effect, where actions have consequences and bad consequences are just inherent in bad actions? Could it be that Oprah Winfrey fans are right and you can just ‘think good thoughts’ to only have good things happen to you? Could it instead that humanity had it all wrong and man was meant to live on impure cocaine and male hookers?
For such evil to persist, unpunished by its own deeds, is actually mind-breaking. In the alternative case, where the guy just OD’s on fentanyl at 25, you would think “well of course that happen. RIP.”