Kenny Blankenship ('s status on Tuesday, 07-Mar-2023 13:29:09 JST Kenny Blankenship
Just wanna point out that $19/hr isn't shit today given the real inflation rate (probably over 15%), and that these are the only type of jobs that are readily available.
You want a job that actually offers a living wage? Those disappeared right about the same time pensions did.-
:sonnenrad: ✝️ Wisconsin_Kraut ✝️ :sonnenrad: ('s status on Tuesday, 07-Mar-2023 13:33:13 JST :sonnenrad: ✝️ Wisconsin_Kraut ✝️ :sonnenrad:
>more than I make as an EMS worker
>more than I make as a forester
>more than I make as a firefighter
I suppose the free market has decided a chicken sandwich is more important than health and buildings that are not on fireKenny Blankenship likes this. -
Kenny Blankenship ('s status on Tuesday, 07-Mar-2023 13:34:55 JST Kenny Blankenship
@Wisconsin_Kraut I know this was meant as a joke, but given the country's decline I'm pretty sure you're right -
Floyvid Ninesneed ('s status on Tuesday, 07-Mar-2023 13:35:09 JST Floyvid Ninesneed
Boomers bitching about rising wages (not rising to match inflation though) always gets me. "$19 an hour to flip burgers! Outrageous! They should be paying an illegal immigrant slave minimum wage for that!" Kenny Blankenship likes this. -
Kenny Blankenship ('s status on Tuesday, 07-Mar-2023 13:35:31 JST Kenny Blankenship
@Floyvid_Ninesneed To the boomercon, it's always 1985 -
Smirking ('s status on Tuesday, 07-Mar-2023 13:36:10 JST Smirking
@DW2 @Wisconsin_Kraut Imagine how many buildings will be aflame if niggers don't get their chicken Kenny Blankenship likes this. -
❄️:padoru: SantaSnekFriend :padoru:❄️ ('s status on Tuesday, 07-Mar-2023 13:36:59 JST ❄️:padoru: SantaSnekFriend :padoru:❄️
@DW2 You definitely don't want these "$19/hr" jobs anways. They will drain your soul and can kill you. -
Kenny Blankenship ('s status on Tuesday, 07-Mar-2023 13:36:59 JST Kenny Blankenship
@SuperSnekFriend Oh believe me, I know -
Kenny Blankenship ('s status on Tuesday, 07-Mar-2023 13:39:44 JST Kenny Blankenship
@Wisconsin_Kraut @Smirking Or just round them all up, throw em all in Detroit then douse the city in napalm (would be a classic case of addition by subtraction) -
:sonnenrad: ✝️ Wisconsin_Kraut ✝️ :sonnenrad: ('s status on Tuesday, 07-Mar-2023 13:39:45 JST :sonnenrad: ✝️ Wisconsin_Kraut ✝️ :sonnenrad:
@Smirking @DW2
I think we should just pay some justices of the peace to deal with the niggers -
Tadano Hitohito ('s status on Tuesday, 07-Mar-2023 13:41:01 JST Tadano Hitohito
@DW2 I was paid less than this when I was working as an engineering intern in 2021. Holy crap inflation is out of control! Kenny Blankenship likes this. -
Kenny Blankenship ('s status on Tuesday, 07-Mar-2023 13:42:24 JST Kenny Blankenship
@TadanoHitohito Whaddaya mean goy, haven't you seen the latest numbers? Inflation is goin down!
- some wall street criminal heeb on CNBC probably -
D00B ⛄ :blobcatsanta: ('s status on Tuesday, 07-Mar-2023 13:42:43 JST D00B ⛄ :blobcatsanta:
@DW2 it is over 15% they changed the math to make it around 50% less than the actual number. Kenny Blankenship likes this. -
:sonnenrad: ✝️ Wisconsin_Kraut ✝️ :sonnenrad: ('s status on Tuesday, 07-Mar-2023 13:42:49 JST :sonnenrad: ✝️ Wisconsin_Kraut ✝️ :sonnenrad:
@DW2 @Smirking
That would actually raise property values in DetroitKenny Blankenship likes this. -
:Christmas_kitty_bell: LovecraftEnthusiast :shyduck: ('s status on Tuesday, 07-Mar-2023 13:45:35 JST :Christmas_kitty_bell: LovecraftEnthusiast :shyduck:
“You need to get paid $19 an hour to flip burgers?” Isnt the own boomers think it is. Yes stupid boomer your generation shipped in all these migrants while proposing bat shit insane monetary policy. Kenny Blankenship likes this. -
Tadano Hitohito ('s status on Tuesday, 07-Mar-2023 13:49:21 JST Tadano Hitohito
@DW2 Not only are they criminals, they're completely out of touch with what the average American is facing. Tell that shit to my weekly grocery bill lmao. Kenny Blankenship likes this. -
Judge Dread :verified: ('s status on Tuesday, 07-Mar-2023 22:52:43 JST Judge Dread :verified:
@DW2 $19 in 2022 is allegedly $6.81 in the year Marty McFly began his voyage through time, but I don't believe the fed's inflation numbers. It's a lot worse than that. Kenny Blankenship likes this. -
mmmfeet ('s status on Tuesday, 07-Mar-2023 22:52:52 JST mmmfeet
@Eiregoat @DW2 In the 1980s, waiting tables was enough to afford a safe one bedroom apartment and a car. Hell, you could pay off college by working one summer as a babysitter. It might have well been a completely different time but boomers are perpetually stuck in that headspace Kenny Blankenship likes this. -
:spinnenrad: Festivegoat :spinnenrad: ('s status on Tuesday, 07-Mar-2023 22:52:53 JST :spinnenrad: Festivegoat :spinnenrad:
> You want a job that actually offers a living wage? Those disappeared right about the same time pensions did.
Waiting tables has always been for shit pay though. It's never been the kind of job you could raise a family on. Even top end waiting jobs aren't great.
> Also the Spanish subtitles are just the cherry on top here
It's kinda fucked how they can all but advertise breaking employee law and nothing happens. -
Sky ('s status on Wednesday, 08-Mar-2023 11:14:29 JST Sky
@DW2 What does "starting up to" mean? Not actually even $19 per hour? -
fishsticks ('s status on Wednesday, 08-Mar-2023 11:14:29 JST fishsticks
@ItsSkyDragonz @DW2 Means they're going to really pay you 13-16 depending on the location. 18 is only if you know a guy or have decades of experience. -
Sky ('s status on Wednesday, 08-Mar-2023 11:14:29 JST Sky
@fishsticks @DW2 God I hate this country Kenny Blankenship likes this. -
Kenny Blankenship ('s status on Wednesday, 08-Mar-2023 11:15:00 JST Kenny Blankenship
@ItsSkyDragonz @fishsticks America Delenda Est -
Eggy ('s status on Wednesday, 08-Mar-2023 23:34:04 JST Eggy
@DW2 Wisconsin still has 7.25 minimum wage and I know people still getting hired for $11-12/hr. I was still under the impression that $15/hr was good when I re-entered the workforce last year, until I examined how bad inflation had actually gotten.
The last job I'd worked before in 2017 for about $13/hr has gone up to about $21/hr in 2023 to try and match inflation. But not every business is capable of this, and most of the long-term employees have already capped out on raises.
Meaning that 18 year old broccolizoomers are earning more day 1 than someone who's committed decades to any particular company.
I, for one, am very confident in America's ability to survive for many years to come.Kenny Blankenship likes this.