>Watching the Electric Jew
>Drinking the Liquid Jew
>Smoking the Herbal Jew
>Talking on the Telecommunicative Jew
>Texting on the Mobile Jew
>Browsing the World Wide Jew
>Driving the Gas-Guzzling Jew
>Attending the Academic Jew
>Working at the Occupational Jew
>Trading with the Fiat Jew
>Living in the Domicile Jew
>Owning the Domesticated Jew
>Sleeping on the Comfy Jew
>Eating the Nutrimental Jew
>Drinking the Aqueous Jew
>Partaking in the Reproductive Jew
>Raising the Infantile Jew
>Breathing the Aerial Jew
>Living on the Terrestrial Jew
>Living in the Third Dimensional Jew
>Existing in the Metaphysical Jew
Yeah, fuck all that shit.