@dubbub @Turkleton
I forgot all about that massacre. Let's see an update.
>It was Tajikistani mudslimes. Not Ukrainians.
Well, who could have guessed? Other than retards on "our side".
>America AND the UK didn't just warn their citizens.
I knew about the warning, but not that the UK had intel too and that Putin and the FSB heard directly from the CIA and MI5.
>Be Putin
>Forget, because you hired Chechens as meat shields and desire military-boosting pseudo-solidarity, that Muslims in and around the former Soviet bloc actually still hate you, Muscovy, and the Russian Orthodox Church.
>In the meantime, Tajikistan has uprising in Islamic fervor
>And you allow many Tajikistani nationals in
>Fast forward year into the Russo-Ukranian War
>Several unfriendly countries still give urgent warning that an ISIS-like group is going to attack Moscow in May
>Tajikistani mudslimes delay attack for a couple of weeks to avoid detection and security
>They didn't have to because Putin was full of himself and assumed this is all a giant psy-op by Zelensky and co
>RW retards agree with Russian propaganda and blame the massacre on the US and the Ukraine
>Fast forward a year
>FSB reluctantly agree that it was Tajikistani mudslimes, whom they could have stopped, from a nation subjected by Islam
>FSB and Russian police have arrested and charged Tajikistan Islamic militants and co-conspirators, rather than Ukranians.
God damn this foolishness. What a wicked, selfish bastard! This is Clinton/Bush/Netanyahu-tier buffoonery. The more I learn about this Parkinson's-riddled power-luster, the more hatred I have for him and the more disgust I have for those who swallow Kremlin cum whole thinking they are saving the West, Christendom, and the White race. With friends like these...
@SuperSnekFriend @Turkleton You're delusional. It was the Ukrainian embassy in Tajikistan who hired them, they said as much immediately upon being caught.
>why did you do it?
>for money
>how much?
>(about 5k dollars)
That's why they ran towards the Ukrainian border and didn't martyr themselves like EVERY OTHER ISLAMIC SHOOTER EVER. Take a seat tard.