>be me
>people see vtuber
>contracted to fishy corpo
>likes drama
>people think shes based because she goes along with jokes
>""I wanna shoot up a walmart"" (literally meme-tier bait)
>mfw it works
>it works too well
>later goes on to transphobia tier-levels
>she backpedals
I am not surprised in the slightest
:facebook_frog: :lean:
@theorytoe >be me
>people see vtuber
>contracted to fishy corpo
>humor designed to pander to as many edgy and horny teens as possible
>i don't care
:marseyclueless: :marseycomfy:
@Tadano @theorytoe I've had to learn this the hard way, there's numerous people you shouldn't apologize to. Of course so many people are naive or have sus managers calling the shots instead.
I learned years ago don't let some cuck manager control you.
my suspicion is that there was some form of invlovement
I totally think she would have gone with it, but her employer (is that even the right word?) probably told her behind closed doors to backpedal a bit
@theorytoe When the fuck will people learn to never backpedal with alphabet types :tenmasmash:
These people are merciless, mentally unwell and in many cases reprobates whose ideas of what constitutes a transgression are unhinged. The notion of forgiveness for supposed slights is foreign to them. If you are branded "problematic" or x-phobic it is synonymous with being declared anathema. Any apologies are blood in the water and you will be subject to further humiliation.
Given these people align themselves with Satan, and consequently their moral compass is utterly inverted, the proper answer is to double down and remind them to repent lest they reap the wages of sin.
@theorytoe feels bad :pippaohno:
I'm still convinced it's management though I may be huffing copium. At least we got Tenma